Message from the Wire

Exciting news as the December tour dates are very nearly upon us. See you at the front. Meanwhile- we have a message for you, from The Wire, sadly not handwritten as usual, but is nonetheless very much from his heart:

Here we go a Manics Christmas tour is upon us. A fine and worthy tradition – To celebrate this season of goodwill we will be giving away our Christmas single 'The Ghosts of Christmas' on our website, and newsletter, from 1 December completely free. So to anyone who has bought our records, seen our gigs, read our reviews, joined our website or given us awards Thank You for a special year. The song is old school Christmas, the anti X Factor, for us it's actual fun. Hope you enjoy the song and the tour. Merry Christmas Nicky Wire, James and Sean

'Nobody knows anything and nobody tells you anything' – Robert Capa